According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in every 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. One of the most overlooked, but common, reason for these statistics is hormone deficiency and imbalance, especially in women.

Fortunately, there’s a lasting solution to your sleepless nights – hormone therapy. This simple treatment involves the replacement of depleted hormones in your body to give you a good night’s sleep. Even better, it is very well tolerated and extremely effective

Read on to learn more about hormone therapy and how it can help you with your sleeping disorder.

What Is Hormone Therapy?

Often known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), this is the replacement of hormones in the body whenever its levels drop. This is a very common issue as we grow older.

Menopause is the most common cause of hormonal depletion in the body. It may lead to the reduced production of progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and estrogen, which may disrupt the normal sleep cycle.

As a remedy, the optimum levels of these hormones are restored by using only bio-identical hormones, and dosing them to restore the body to its idea functioning level.

What Are the Types of Hormone Therapy?

A consultation with your doctor will give you various options on how to boost your hormones. Among the most common methods include:

  • Oral capsules
  • Skin patches on the belly or thigh
  • Vaginal rings
  • Skin creams
  • Vaginal tablets and creams
  • Vaginal suppositories

For men, the most common methods include:

  • compounded creams
  • oral medications (estrogen blockers Anastrazole and Clomid)
  • Injectable

Your physician may prescribe either one or several methods depending on your physiological state.

Who Can Benefit From a Hormone Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy is most suitable for women in their perimenopause, menopause, or post-menopause stages. In this period, most women will experience hormonal changes which may lead to reduced production of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones promote sleep and calmness, and thus, their depletion may lead to lack of sleep. Although it’s not as commonly known, men with andropause, the male counterpart of menopause, can benefit from hormone replacement therapy.

The fluctuations in hormone levels may also cause hot flashes which are simply surges in adrenaline levels. High adrenaline levels will keep you up at night as this hormone heightens bodily activities. It takes a while for the adrenaline to recede and allow you to fall back to sleep.

Often, menopause also causes depression and mood swings owing to the low estrogen levels. At the same time, it’s a stage in life where a lot of social issues are taking place. Your kids may be moving out, you may be retiring, or moving to a new place.

Without proper sleep to relax your body and mind, you’ll be fatigued all day long. This fuels stress and worry which causes a vicious cycle of deprived sleep.

What Are the Side Effects of Hormone Therapy?

While treating sleep deprivation using hormone therapy is largely safe, you may experience a few minor side effects, including:

  • Breast soreness
  • Mood swings
  • Water retention
  • Bloating
  • Slight headaches
  • Nausea
  • Irregular periods

If you notice any of these signs when undergoing hormone therapy for insomnia, consult your doctor for the proper intervention.

Get Hormone Therapy From Frank Institute Today

If you experience frequent sleep deprivation, fatigue, and mood swings; a hormone therapy treatment may just be the thing for you.

At Frank Institute, we offer personalized hormone therapy treatment to make you feel younger and sleep better. We do thorough comprehensive testing panels to determine which hormones aren’t at their optimum levels in your body and then prescribe the most suitable treatment.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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